How Can I Carry Out Simple Maintenance/Cleaning? A Short Guide To Help You Care For Your Solar Panels And Optimise Their Value.

As with many aspects of your home, you need to invest time in maintenance of your solar energy equipment.  If you do this you can find you really increase the lifespan and ensure optimum performance of your solar panels.


Ensure Panels Are Regularly Cleaned

It is so important that you keep your panels clean and clear of residues, debris and dust.  These can pile up and this will impair the panels’ ability to absorb that all important sunlight effectively.  If you give regular cleaning this will enable the panels to continue to capture the maximum solar energy.

Schedule In Regular, Routine Inspections

Getting a professional in regularly will ensure that any small problems are known and rectified as soon as possible.  Investing in routine checks prevents escalation of any issues that could be more costly to resolve.


Monitor Your System Consistently

If you do this it has the benefit of enabling you to track your energy savings.  It also aids you in spotting any performance issues that are unlikely but could happen.  You want peak efficiency from your solar panels. That way you get a great return on your investment.


Want more info on how to clean and look after your solar panels?  Check out our short guide on  ‘How To Spot Signs Of Aging Panels’