How Long Can I Expect Solar Panels To Last? A Short Guide To Help You Care For Your Solar Panels And Optimise Their Value.

Solar panels are built to last. They have been proven to last for decades.


Here are some of the important factors that influence their lifespan:


Quality of Build

This will depend on two key factors:  Materials used and the quality of panel construction.

As with most things, the quality dictates duration.  So superior grades of materials are likely to be able to stand up to the UK weather/environmental conditions for a longer period of time.



If you have your solar panels installed by a professionally certified team it is very likely that this will maximise their lifespan, which is typically estimated to range between 25 to 30 years. (Industry Standard).

Area Climate

Solar panels can suffer if there is extremely adverse weather conditions.  They can be negatively affected by rapid temperature swings as well as the worst of UK weather – hail and very high winds. Very hot summers can overheat solar panels and may on occasion affect their performance.

Care of Panels

It’s really important to keep your panels clean, removing residues, dust and other debris which may affect the panels.  If the panels aren’t cleaned this can also have an adverse effect on their ability to absorb the maximum solar energy possible.

Monitoring The System

It’s crucial to monitor the energy output of your solar panels.  Benefits of doing this include properly tracing the energy savings.  It’s also important in detecting any performance issues.

If you notice your system’s energy dropping, it could be indicative of an issue that needs fixing. If you stick to this guidance you can ensure that you get optimum efficiency from your solar panels.  (Please also refer to our ‘Solar Panel Maintenance/Cleaning’ Guide).


Remember, proper maintenance is essential for optimal performance, so schedule regular check-ups and cleaning sessions for your solar panels.

Congratulations on taking a big step towards a greener and more sustainable lifestyle!