Should I Invest In A Battery Storage System As Well? A Short Guide On How To Get The Most From Your Solar Panels.

Exploring the possibility of incorporating solar panels into your home? Delving into the decision of whether to invest in a solar battery storage system as well? This short guide aims to shed light on the key advantages of integrating a battery storage pack with your residential solar panels.

Achieve Energy Self-Sufficiency and Cost Savings

Battery storage is an appealing choice for those aiming for complete energy self-sufficiency, eliminating reliance on the grid. While solar panels alone can generate up to 70% of your electricity from the sun, a battery storage system maximises the use of generated electricity. Capture and store excess energy during sunny days for deployment during overcast days, evenings, or nights. Utilising stored energy reduces grid reliance, resulting in potential cost savings.


Sell Excess Energy to the Grid

Storing excess energy opens the possibility of selling it back to the grid, contributing to the recovery of your investment.


Contribute to Phasing Out Fossil Fuels

By returning renewable energy stored to the National Grid, you play a role in facilitating a consistent supply of cleaner energy. This, in turn, reduces the grid’s reliance on traditional fossil fuels used as backup energy sources. Embrace the opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying the benefits of a sustainable energy solution.